04 March 2012

Ulang Tahun Tokoh One Piece

Ada beberapa pertanyaan yg saya lupakan. mungkin suatu saat nanti saya akan menambahkannya. Saya ambil berdasarkan One Piece Data Book:Blue Deep

List Ulang Tahun [Update] 


1 - Ace, Islewan (ai.wan), Bones (Mr. 1)

2 - Lulu (Bi-pu)

3 - Iceburg-san, Aisa (ai-sa)

4 - Crocus-san (birthday flower of Jan 4th), Peterman-san

5 - Vice Admiral Strawberry (ichi go)

6 - Tilestone (TA i ru), Oimo (O i mo)

7 - Mozu (waina?)

8 - Iva-san

9 - Pickles (pi ku)

10 - Kidd, Otohime-sama (o to)

11 - Itomimizu (1=worm?)

13 - Ikaros (i=1, ka=K=13?)

14 - Sweetpea (birthday flower of Jan 14th)

15 - A.O. (Alphabet: A=1st, O=15th)

17 - Bege-san

18 - Splash and Splutter

19 - Spandine-papa

26 - Nero

27 - Lola (Proposal Day)

31 - Bro-Aladdin

1 - Brogy (bu ROGI i), Doma

2 - Vivi, Killer

3 - Fuza (fu za), Bizarre (bi za), Brownbeard-sama (fusafusa?)

4 - Elder Nyon-sama (ni yon), Haru-chan (Haruta, I guess?), Prince Fukaboshi (fu KABO shi)

5 - Vista, Blamenco (bu RAMEN ko)

6 - Robin-chan, Olvia-san, Blondie (bu ro)

8 - Gonbe (ni ya-), Vice Admiral Onigumo (02=Oni, 8=Spider)

9 - Genbo, Kuma-san (nikyu nikyu), Wadatsumi (Pufferfish Day...such a day exists?)

10 - Mikazuki (KA bu.to?)

12 - Little Oars (02=O-zu, 12=Jyuunia-(Junior))

15 - Daisy (Birthday flower of Feb 15th), Big Mam (Something Day, I'm not sure what...but it's probably candy)

16 - Captain Bluejam (bu RU. jyamu)

20 - Kumadori (Kabuki Day)

22 - Jerry, Hamburg (pupupu?)

23 - Makino-san

24 - Enishida (ji.jiyo/lady maid?)

28 - Mayor

1 - Minorhinoceros (mino.sai)

2 - Sanji, Wolf (San.Fuan)

3 - Hina-san, Galdino-san

4 - Mashira (saru.be-ji?), Minotaurus (mino.ushi)

5 - Sadi-chan, Minokoala (mino.koala)

6 - Saulo (sa u ro), Salome-chan (sa ro)

7 - Minozebra (mino.zebura=seven)

8 - Zambai (sa N ba I)

9 - Franky, Shanks, Mihawk (mi HO- ku)

10 - Satori (sa to ri), Nola-chan, Sentoumaru-kun (Sen.Tou?)

11 - Secretary and Palms

12 - Stelly

13 - Lafitte (sai min (hypnosis))

14 - Smoker, Alvida (Beauty Day)

16 -Tom-san (san, to mu)

19 - Apoo, Atmos (su.igyuu (water buffalo))

20 - Sabo, Shiki

21 - First Lieutenant Spacey (su PE- shi i)

24 - Thatch (sa tsu chi)

25 - Ohm (Ohm=Omega symbol, Electricity Appreciation Day)

26 - O-Tsuru-san (san, tsu ru)

29 - Saint Shalulia, Devon (mika.zuki/9=kyuu)

30 - Prince Manboshi (Third Boy?)

31 - Judge Baskerville

1 - Usopp, Kashi (KA- shi i)

2 - Zeff (shi-e fu), Jinbe-san

3 - Brook, Monda (ho shi za me (Star Shark)), Porchemy-san (Shi-e- mi)

4 - Boss (Fu-o-ku shi i), Princess Shirahoshi

5 - Vice Admiral Yamakaji, Minister of the Right (TATSUNOOTO shi go (seahorse))

6 - Whitebeard, Captain Jean Bart (jyan.BA- ru), Speed Jiru (ji ru)

8 - Professor Clover (yotsuba (Four-leaf Clover)), Megalo (shi ya-)

9 - Captain Yorki (you ki), Marguerite, Mohmoo

13 - Morgan

14 - Hody-san (Ho-=Four, jiyo-NZU)

15 - Fossa (fu-o SSA, 15th Division Commander?)

16 - Stronger

18 - Hyouzou (yoi (drunk), Octopus?)

20 - Blueno

22 - Kuro (shi tsu ji)

23 - Califa-san

28 - Funk-chan (Elephant Day)

29 - Goldenweek (GW)

1 - Capoty, Kaido

2 - Vice Admmiral Garp (GEN ko tsu), Coribou (ko RI bu-)

3 - Arlong (NO ko GIRI za ME? (Saw Shark))

4 - Ishilly (i shi RI-)

5 - Luffy, Black (Fake Luffy)

6 - Eneru (go ro go ro)

8 - Shakky-san (Birthday flower of May 8th)

9 - Sengoku-san (SEN go ku), Kong-san (ko n gu)

10 - Heracles-n

13 - Coby, Rayleigh-san

18 - Marine Captain Gorilla

19 - Vice Admiral Giant and Andre (Andre the Giant's birthday)

20 - Conis-san (ko ni su)

22 - Decalvan Brothers

23 - Chew (Kiss Day (or it could be the day of the Kisu fish, I don't know))

25 - Big Pan

31 - Lacueva

1 - Moda-chan (International Milk Day), Saint Charlos

2 - Lucci-san, Chimney (CHI mu ni-), Vice Admiral Ronse (ron.zu)

3 - Mousse-san (mu-.su)

4 - Epoida (IMO mu shi (caterpillar))

5 - Jyabura (rou ga?)

6 - Vice Admiral Momonga (mo mo NGA), Karma (6 arms)

7 - Perona-chan (ro- na)

8 - Saldeath-tan (rou ban), Vice Admiral Lacroix (RAKU ro wa)

9 - Rockstar (ro-kku), Surume (69

10 - Dalton-san (DO ru ton), Rouge-san (ru-.jyu)

11 - Guard (rain of plums?/Shiryuu of the Rain)

12 - Disco (Bazaar Day)

20 - Amadob

22 - Gyro (Sign of Cancer)

24 - Prince Ryuuboshi (In Chinese, six=liu.bo shi)

28 - Saint Roswald (ro.zu wa-DO)

29 - Fukurou (fuku.rou read backwards)

30 - Elmy (E ru mi-)

2 - Minister of the Left (na MA zu (catfish))

3 - Nami, Neptune-sama (nami (wave))

4 - Caribou (na shi (bottomless) swamp)

6 - Roux (Lucky Seven's 7.ru-), Namur (na MYU- ru)

7 - Laki-san (Lucky Seven?)

8 - Paulie, Daruma (Falling seven times, yet standing back up eight times (Japanese proverb I guess?)=daruma)

10 - Kamakiri, Ramba

16 - Helmeppo, Seto

17 - Hammond-san (Gion Festival=Hamo Festival...I don't understand this connection)

23 - Richie

29 - Rear Admiral Kadar

1 - Monk, Aphelandra-chan

2 - Yasopp (ya SOP pu)

3 - Blackbeard, Inazuma-san (Scissors Day)

4 - Amazon-san, Dirt Boss (TSURU ha shi?)

5 - Gaimon-san (hako (box)), Octopako (pa ko), Shot (ba SU ko)

6 - Sodom and Gomorrah, Blenheim (ha i mu)

7 - Kaku, Bellamy (ha IE na)

8 - Buggy, Hatchan (eight, octopus)

9 - Wapol (ba ku ba ku), Vegapunk (pa n ku)

10 - Gedatsu (ban tou), Hattori (ha to)

11 - Duval-danna

15 - Bon-chan (Obon), Professor Tsukimi

16 - Akainu

18 - Wiper (wa i pa-)

19 - Motobaro (ba i ku)

22 - Decken-chan

25 - Corgi

28 - Vice Warden (ha n ni ya)

30 - Dadan

1 - Kiwi (kyu- i-), Bonney-chan, Delacuaji (ku A hi?)

2 - Hebihime-sama

3 - Lieutenant Commander Brandnew, Sandersonia (ku JYA.san DA-), McGuy

4 - Wanze-san, Kumacy (ku MA shi-)

5 - Crocodile-san, Marigold (ku JYA.go- RUDO)

6 - Moria (ku ro (Black)=shadow), Squardo (ku mo (spider)), Macro (MA ku ro)

8 - Cabaji, Rakyou (RA ku you)

9 - Hawkins, Madam Shyarley (Fortune Telling Day)

10 - Marine Captain T-bone, Marine Captain Very Good (gu ddo)

11 - Cricket-san (ku.K=11th letter of the alphabet?)

12 - Curiel (ku.L=12th letter of the alphabet)

13 - Hoe

15 - Spoil-jiisan (Elders' Day)

16 - Laboon (ku ji ra (whale)), Rindo (Birthday flower of Sep 16th)

18 - Dias

19 - Krieg (ku RI i ku)

20 - Shura (Sky Day?)

21 - Aokiji, Pappug (Fashion Show Day)

24 - Su

30 - Pizarro-sama


1 - Mohji, Vice Admiral Comil (Coffee Day)

2 - Dorry, Tonjit-san (ton.ji)

3 - Yama (Mountain Day)

4 - Calgara (1004/sen shi), Oars

5 - Marco, Augur (oto.goe?), Kokoro-san (Schedule Appreciation Day?), Dragon (do RA go N)

6 - Tashigi, Law

8 - Pierre (Heavenly Horse/ten.ba), Vice Admiral Doberman

9 - Norland (tei 'to ku'?), Warden (do ku), Dosun

10 - Den-chan-san (Ten)

13 - Izou-san

14 - Haredas-san

16 - Taroimo (ta ro i mo or the Premier Day of 'Antartica')

18 - Doc Q

20 - Tyranno-chan (Iceburg's mouse, not the Supernova)

23 - Dofla (do.fu RA mi NGO)

25 - Kuroobi (Karate Day), Koala-chan (Koala First Appearance Day?)

30 - Domino-san (do mi no), Magra (tosaka?)

31 - Shelly-chan, Bay-san (Halloween/Ice Witch)

Drake: Oct 10th (Dies=Spanish for 10.do RE-KU/Blue Deep), Oct 24th (SBS)


1 - Vice Admiral Dalmatian (Dog Day)

3 - Keimi

4 - Kashigami (K=11th letter of the alphabet.shi?)

5 - Tiger-san

6 - Ryuuma (kanji for 'ten' + 'one' = 'warrior'/samurai.In Chinese, six=liu)

7 - Holy

9 - Saint Jalmack, Albion

11 - Zoro, Jozu (Gemstone Day), Zeo (Stripe? Mirror Day?)

13 - Kingdew (11th Division Commander.King in Trump=13)

16 - Porche-chan (ai.do ru)

19 - Benn-chan

20 - Bepo-chan

23 - Kizaru, Ankoro (Lantern Day)

24 - Ran-sama (Birthday flower of Nov 24th)

26 - Goro-san (Nice Bath Day)


5 - Dr. Indigo (in ji.go)

19 - Hog-tan (12=Twelve=to ru.do ku, read backwards?), Dogra

22 - Gan Fall-san (Winter Solstice/traditionally eat pumpkins)

24 - Chopper

25 - Burgess (Jesus Christ's birthday)

30 - Ab-sama (a bu.sa ro)

31 - Roger (New Year's Eve, his son Ace to takeover the next day?)

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